Thursday, January 31, 2013

JointEase - Reviews & Brand Information

Who Makes JointEase, and Are They Trustworthy?

Determining the trustworthiness of a maker of supplements can be difficult at best, and JointEase is no exception. The trustworthiness of the manufacture of JointEase is based entirely on whether or not they provide enough information to make a wise consumer choice about the product. This is certainly not the case. According to JointEase, the supplement itself only contains three separate ingredient. These are glucosamine, Indian frankincense, and devils claw. Since two of these are unproven herbal additives which have shown no improvement over placebo in large-scale clinical trials, it is difficult to suggest that these herbs are being sold on a trustworthy basis. In fact, it seems of the presence of glucosamine is only used to attract customers who do not have faith in unproven herbal remedies.

JointEase is manufactured by Native Remedies, which appears to be a purely online company. This product is offered through more than 20 online retailers, but does not appear to be available in any standard over-the-counter pharmaceutical outlets. This is not good news for JointEase or JointEase plus, because, although some customers are becoming more comfortable with buying their dietary supplements online it is much more difficult to determine the quality of supplements without simply trying them out. Even though there is a guarantee offered by Native Remedies for JointEase, there is no way to be sure that they will make good on this guarantee. After all, customers rarely go to the trouble to sue the company that simply fails to live up to the customer service guarantee. Lawsuits cost thousand of dollars, and, in this case, would not be likely to produce any viable results. 

So, suffice it to say that JointEase has the upper hand as far as the information that is available to consumers for buying products online. There is simply not very much good information on this website or available concerning clinical tests of this product. In fact, there is every reason to distrust statements by JointEase which have nothing to do with medical science. For example JointEase plus states that "Devil's Claw has been used for thousands of years by the Khoisan people of the Kalahari Desert to support healthy joints." This may very well be true, but it certainly does not establish any causal connection between devils claw and the actual improvement joint health. Of course, Native Remedies is not in the minority for offering misleading statements as public information, but the wise consumer knows that the reason for all this information is not to direct consumers to make healthy choices, but simply to direct them to buy the product--even out of confusion.

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