Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Joint Pain Cure : Pain Management Techniques

Pain has been defined scientifically as an unpleasant, emotional and sensory experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. To avail maximum joint pain cure, various different modes have been in practice with variable results. Most types of arthritis are associated with pain that can be divided into two general categories: acute and chronic. Acute pain is temporary. Chronic pain ranges from mild to severe, and can last weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime.

Chronic pain is a major health problem and is one of the most weakening effects of arthritis. Presentations may include inflammation (including joints, tendons and ligaments), muscle tension and strain, nerve damage (neuralgias) and fatigue. Pain medications given for joint pain cure serve to regain some level of comfort, but they do little to change the disease state. The amount of pain medication used must be controlled since there are known side effects.

Exercise can help in achieving considerable Joint Pain Cure. People with arthritis should always discuss exercise plans with their doctor. Some exercises may be off-limits for people with a particular type of arthritis or when joints are swollen and inflamed. Warm water therapy can decrease pain and stiffness. Exercising in a pool, swim spa, or hot tub may be easier because water takes some weight off painful joints. Some also find relief from the heat and movement provided by warm water exercise. However, it needs to be done only after your doctor allows, under supervision.

Massage therapy can hasten pain relief, soothe stiff sore muscles, and reduce inflammation and swelling. As muscle tension is relaxed and circulation is increased, pain is decreased. TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) utilizes low-voltage electrical stimulation to the nerves to block pain signals to the brain. 

Meditation and relaxation can ease muscle tension and help fight fatigue. Relaxation techniques may reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and sleeping problems. Deep breathing involves clearing the mind by breathing in and out, slowly, deeply, and rhythmically. Biofeedback uses a combination of relaxation, visualization, and signals from a machine to gain control of pain. As you are attached by electrodes to a machine, you are taught to control blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate, and temperature.

Joint Pain Cure management can include, body mechanics (learning to move the body in ways that do not increase pain), joint protection techniques, conserving energy (often by adapting daily activities), exercise (can reduce pain by increasing strength), relaxation techniques.

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