Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that attacks the knee cartilage and it can get so bad that the actual knee joint needs to be replaced with a prosthesis. Osteoarthritis and knee replacement surgery do seem to go hand in hand as a working treatment to fix the knee that has been disrupted by this form of fierce and attacking arthritis.
What is Knee Replacement Surgery?
Joint replacement is something that does involve surgery. This is because surgery is what is required to replace the ends of bones that are a part of a damaged joint. The surgery is needed to help make new joint surfaces to replace the badly damaged ones. Knee replacement surgery does involve creating new joint surfaces for the damaged thigh and lower shin bones. The entire kneecap is also capped with an artificial surface as is the leg bones. These artificial surfaces are all lined with both metal and plastic. All knee joint components are securely attached to the bones with cement. Knee replacement surgery completely removes all damaged cartilage and replaces it with new joint surfaces in a step by step process.
Does Taking Antibiotics Before And After Knee Surgery Reduce The Chances Of Any Infection?
The answer to this question is a definite yes. This is because infection can occur with this kind of new joint replacement surgery, as it is, the very same with other types of new joint replacement surgery. Doctors issue these antibiotics before and after surgery in order to lessen the chances of any infection happening. This is especially true with patients who have medical conditions such as diabetes for instance. Taking the antibiotics can help to reduce the chances of patients with prior medical problems or aren't in tremendous overall good health of getting an infection not long after knee joint replacment surgery.
Are There Risks Of Blood Clots Associated With Knee Replacement Surgery?
Right after surgery of this type, patients are protected against several things, and one of them is the reality of them getting a blood clot of some sort. This is because this kine of joint replacement surgery does have a risk of patients developing a complication such as this is. This is why immediately after surgery, patients are given a medicine to prevent blood clots, in addition to, medicines for controlling pain as a result of the knee replacement surgery. There will also be a drain present on the bandaged up knee to collect fluids and prevent them from building up around the new knee joint. There may also be a compression pump or a compression stocking on your leg. What these devices do is to squeeze the leg and keep the blood circulating. This is done to help prevent blood clots from taking place.
What is a CPM Machine And What Does It Do For You After Knee Replacement Surgery?
There are some surgeons who do want their knee replacement patients to spend some time in a CPM machine. What is a CPM machine? A CPM machine is a passive motion machine and what it does it is to make sure to keep the patient's knee flexible. This machine contains a special cradle for the patient's leg and it will be fitted to go along with one's leg length and the joint position itself. A patient may have a CPM attached to their knee upon waking up from surgery. What the machine does specifically is to slowly bend the knee and straigthen it out. The amount that it does bend the knee of the patient is something that is totally adjustable.
Do People That Have Knee Replacement Surgery Start To Walk The Next Day?
Most people who do have total knee replacement surgeries done are up and walking on the same day of surgery or the very next day. Medical professionals don't believe in letting patients remain in bed very long with this kind of surgery, as they do need to get up and move around, and also start therapy to be able to walk and use their leg with the new knee prosthesis. Patients who have had this knee replacement surgery can either use a walker or walk with crutches. Some patients can put weight down on the knee if it is comfortable. A physical therapist works with knee surgery patients to help him or her bend and straigthen out their knee. They will also employ the use of simple exercises to strengthen leg muscles. Rehab therapy after a knee surgery can be intensive. This is because patients do have to learn to bend their knee at at least a 90 degree angle to be able to do daily activities such as walking and stuff. The length of physical therapy after surgery depends on the recovery of the patient and how he or she is faring after the surgery is done.
When a person has knee replacement due to the presence of arthritis joint pain. Nine times out of ten is is the best course of treatment in that the knee won't hurt as bad any more and the damaged joint will have a whole new fix for it overall.
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